About Us

Eat. Drink. Laugh. Love. Hope. Wander.

Meet the Team: Brad & Bekah Morgan

Brad & Bekah have a great desire to help people achieve success and financial freedom.  Bekah has been a professional corporate trainer for a major financial firm for the past 6 years, traveling upwards of 6 days each week.  Brad has been in the financial services industry for the past 20+ years.  Long hours, unpredictable markets, and the only ones making any money were the bosses!  They are now thankful they have found a way to have a lot more fun.  They are here to help others find more freedom and fulfillment in their lives!

Our Purpose & Our Mission

The most articulated value in Greek culture is areté. Translated as “virtue,” the word actually means something closer to “being the best you can be,” or “reaching your highest human potential.” The man or woman of areté is a person of the highest effectiveness; they use all their faculties: strength, bravery, wit, and intelligence, to achieve real results.

“Arête implies a respect for the wholeness or oneness of life”.  We wish to give this vision value, and bring it into our daily lives… not only in our professional lives, but in our personal lives as well. We believe we can change the world by helping people spend more time with their families, relaxed, and seeing each other smile.  Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

–Mark Twain

Contact Us

Brad – The Brains aka Captain Adventure aka “don’t call during nap time”


Bekah – The Books aka Wander Woman aka “don’t call before coffee”


There is a distinct possibility we are in a foreign country or different time zone, so emails are best. If it is imperative you speak to us on the phone email us your phone number and tell us when to call and what time zone you are in!